
VB.Net Windows apps (home baked for personal use):

  • Quality Software Systems: mostly internal .Net Windows console/services apps, non-public ASP.NET LIMS (laboratory information management software) apps Company website
  • SUNY RF ITSMR - DRE tablet application
  • Wildwood School - internal Java application
  • Schoharie County ITS - Java JSP and JSF apps, mostly internal. Public JSF app: Emergency Notifications sign up
  • NYSNA Pension Plan & Benefits Fund - internal ASP.Net intranet, VB.Net Windows applications - company website
  • NYS Office of Court Administration Division of Technology - internal Java apps/processes, and eCourts JSP e-Track app

Mobile app

Mobile Data Entry is a Cordova mobile app that was built using HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, JQuery, and AJAX.

A NoSQL data system stores user's encrypted data in JSON files on the device.

This app can be downloaded to and used on Windows laptops.

Download the Windows release of my Mobile Data Entry app for free:

Note: - This application is only available to those in the US and Canada
due to policies regarding encryption.